Hi, my name is Lauren Drake and I am a freshman at Roosevelt High School. This blog will be about synchronized swimming within the USA and events that happen with it. It will include updates about events coming up, results on how teams did, and pictures of the routines that are performed. I chose to make a blog about Synchro because I have a strong love for it and enjoy keeping up with the major teams in the USA. I have done synchro for eight years, being on the Wakonda Club Synchro Team and The Des Moines Aquamaids Synchro Team. I joined the Wakonda club team when I was 6 years old and have been doing it ever since. It has brought me many new friendships and brings so much joy to my days. Since Wakonda is a country club this is a summer only team. Because it is a summer only team I do Aquamaids during the school year. I joined Aquamaids when I was 8 (2 years after doing wakonda) because I started to enjoy synchro much more and decided to do it year round.

In country club synchro, there are only three country clubs that have a synchro team, so we only compete against two other teams. Country club synchro also is not that serious because there are only two figure meets and one routine meet. In Aquamaids, there are 4 figure meets and 3 routine meets. These meets are placed throughout the mid-west region so there is traveling involved. There are also about 10 teams that compete. In synchro there are 4 types of routines; solos, duet's, trio's, and teams. I usually do a team, duet and sometimes a solo. I have done a duet with the same person, Cecile Lorenzen, for 8 years and so far we have been undefeated for country club synchro. Synchro is a great sport to do because it provides you with many skills that can help in other sports too.

Some other blogs that are similar to this are The Boston Synchronized Swimming Blog and The Aqualillies Blog. These blogs also talk about synchro events and give tips on some of the skills required for synchro. I enjoy these blogs because they are a way to find out what has happened at competitions and how to see what competitions are coming up. They also provide great pictures of the synchro swimmers performing!


  1. I'm not the best swimmer but it definitely will be useful to know what's going on for swimmers in America since I live here. ~The Canadian

  2. I love to swim loved your blog and will keep reading it

  3. The way you write makes it really interesting! I always wonder how people who do synchronized swimming are able to do that, so I'm looking forward to what you're gonna write about!

  4. I like this blog because i am a dancer and its cool to see how they are similar!

  5. I don't really like swimming or synchronized swimming but I liked the blog

  6. Being able to swim as good as you is a very good thing when it comes to survival strategy.

  7. I think it is awesome that you have found a passion in your life! Keep up the good work of being undefeated. I look forward to hear about your blog. Maybe post some stories about your adventures of dancing in the water! Cannot wait to read more! (P.S. Good job checking spelling/grammar.)

  8. This is so cool. I love that you have found something you enjoy so much. I look forward to reading more and learning about synchronized swimming.


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