
Routine meets are the main part of synchro. In the Olympics, routines are the only thing people see. Along with figures, routines are split up into the different skill levels and age groups. There are four types of routines; solos, duets, trios, teams, and combos. Solos are one person routines where the soloist is able to do whatever tricks they are able to do at their skill level. Duets are a two person routine and in these, both people have to do each skill together and be in sync. Trios are a three person routine and same with duets the three people must do each skill in sync unless it is a ripple. Teams are four or more people and in teams most of the skills are together, but some may be a ripple or different skills within a pattern. 
Above is an example of a combo. Two girls are doing a more
complex trick while the rest of the team is doing something
small to support them. 
Combos are eight or more people and unlike normal team routines where everyone does the same thing, combos can separately feature any of its one to ten swimmers. That means that while eight of the swimmers are doing a simple trick, three other swimmers may be doing a harder trick showing their skill level. Routines are scored on technical merit and artistic impression. Technical merit is synchronization, execution, difficulty, and technique and artistic impression is presentation, music interpretation, transitions, and pattern. 
For the final scoring, each category (artistic impression and technical merit) is multiplied by the percent of how much it is in the final score for a routine. Technical merit is 60% of the final score so the average score for technical merit is multiplied by 6. While performing it is always important to smile, stay tight, point your toes, and stay on beat so that one is able to reach their full potential and get the scores they deserve. Routines are usually people favorite parts because you get to express yourself and work as a team to create a routine that fits everyone skill level. 

Blogging has been a great experience! I was able to talk about something that I love and tell other people all about it. I was also able to learn tons about other topics from reading other students blogs. I believe blogging is important because it gives people a space where they can express something about them or talk about something they love. It also gives people who are reading it an insight to what they were talking about and may teach people something they never knew about.


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