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Routine meets are the main part of synchro. In the Olympics, routines are the only thing people see. Along with figures, routines are split up into the different skill levels and age groups. There are four types of routines; solos, duets, trios, teams, and combos. Solos are one person routines where the soloist is able to do whatever tricks they are able to do at their skill level. Duets are a two person routine and in these, both people have to do each skill together and be in sync. Trios are a three person routine and same with duets the three people must do  each skill in sync unless it is a ripple. Teams are fou r or more people and in teams most of the skills are together, but some may be a ripple or different skills within a pattern.  Above is an example of a combo. Two girls are doing a more complex trick while the rest of the team is doing something small to support them.  Combos are eight or more people and unlike normal team routines where everyone does...

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